Over 13 Years experience in WINDOW REPAIRS
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Window Repairs Don’t Spend Money Buying New Windows!
Let “Window Repair Man” Repair or Fix your Broken Windows
For a Fraction of the Replacement Window Cost!
Window Repairs Done Right!
Have you got a window crank that does not close or open your window properly, or a window that you think might fall out next time you try to open it? We specialize in making sure your problem windows work like new again. We can fix most windows with parts that are often better than the original parts provided.
Are you annoyed that you can’t get your windows to work like they should? Concerned about security issues, with your windows are too easy to open? Or even the you are wasting energy through leaky windows?
We might just be able to help!
You may be thinking of calling a local window company and getting your all your windows replaced. If you like wasting money then go ahead and call them in, however if you want to extend the life of your windows by calling in a window repair man give us a call, send us a few pictures and we would love to help.
There is way too much waste in this world, if we by repairing your windows can help you save money whilst providing a great service that can also prevent so many vinyl windows from being sent to the landfill we will have done our job right.
STOP before calling a Window Replacement Company Call the Window Repair Man!
Before picking up your phone to call a local window replacement company, why not call your local “Window Repair Man” – the first mobile window repair service that actually does what it says on the tin (yes we are British), we repair windows, we do not sell new windows.
Window repair man is your go to place for window cranks not working properly, windows that are about to fall out if you try to open them again or for windows that will not stay open or you cannot see through the glass because they are foggy! We can fix your foggy windows, broken window cranks, window latches, window locks, window hinges and identify and fix any issue that may have caused them to break to begin with!
It’s a fact, we’re known to many of our customers as “lifesavers” we’ll let you know straight up with absolutley no BS…
That’s not something any window replacement company you’ll find in the phone book is ever likely to say`.
All they want to sell you is a whole new window or even a whole house of replacment windows, when really all that was needed is parts to carry out a window repair. Remember Window Repair Man can repair most windows that are broken, but he also repairs sliding glass doors and window screens that may need some attention.
Window companies will most likely tell you those window parts “are no longer available” – and attempt to con you into buying all new windows – when really all you needed were a few window parts.
And yet here at Window Repair Man, we have access to replacement parts a lot more than 100 window manufacturers.
We’ve been in the window repair business for a number of years, and our sources are unparalleled for having window parts thats are exactly what you need for your broken window. When your windows are broken and you are in need of a mobile window repair service for window cranks, foggy glass, window hinges, window locks or if your sash windows will not stay open or keep falling forwards everytime you try opening them … call Window Repair Man.
Fast Window Crank Replacement, Window hinge replacement, Window locks, Sash Window Shoe Replacement & Sliding Glass Door Repairs
WE CAN FIX MOST WINDOW REPAIR ISSUES RIGHT AWAY! But we do ask that you send us a photo of the window repair, hinge replacement or window part that you need to ensure a speedy service that you will want to recommend to your neighbours.
When we visit your place and assess the problem with your broken wind. Chances are good, that we’ll be able to repair it right away. We tend to carry a lot of the standard window replacement parts on our window repair trucks, hopefully the window part you need is possibly in our regular parts inventory.
But nevertheless should we need to “special order” window parts for you, it’ll be FAR CHEAPER than letting a commission-hungry window salesman persuade you that you need to get “all new” windows!
At Window Repair Man we can show you how the need for window replacement is just not true.
Whats more … Using our window repair service WILL SAVE YOU THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS!
As you probably know, replacement windows don’t come cheap. By the time the slick replacement window salesman is finished with you, you’ll be signing a binding contract for an entire set of new replacement windows. It’s going to cost 1000’s of dollars that YOU REALLY DON’T NEED TO BE SPENDING!
The window replacement companies don’t like us telling you this. However all you need is a window repair to fix the PROBLEM – you don’t need to replace the entire window!
Except for when there’s something drastically wrong with your window, why throw your hard earned money away?
Spend your money on something ELSE! On something that you’ll actually ENJOY!
Are your windows not opening or closing properly? Most likely you may need a window crank or window operator replacing. We replace window cranks but before doing so we want to identify if there’s a reason the crank wore out and remedy that first. Otherwise your new window crank may not last as long as you may hope.
Window Repair Replacement Parts
In contrast, we can perform a window repair that will have your window working like brand new – Much faster and a lot cheaper than what replacement windows run for!
Many people simply don’t know that their WINDOW HINGES, WINDOW CRANK or WINDOW LOCKS can be replaced.
Usually, they don’t know who to call to get window parts replaced – and that Window Repair Man specialize’s in doing just this!
Just like I said, the replacement window companies only want offer you you NEW WINDOWS they are not in the window repair business.
We simply want to fix your window problems, we do not sell you windows or have connections with window companies.
What are you waiting for? Call us today! Window Repair Man is locally owner operated company that’s focused on solving the window problems in our community…
Click here or CALL US now at 905 966 0838.
Window Repairs and Patio Door Repairs we can fix them both. If you’ve got foggy windows, broken windows or patio door issues, we’ve got expert services that can get you fixed at a reasonable cost.
Let us hear from you today!
Iain Stubley
P.S. On the very rare occasion that you do need NEW WINDOWS, not a replacement window crank, replacement hinges, new rollers for your sliding door or a new lock fitting, our service call is free of charge!
Therefore, you don’t have anything to lose by getting us to look at your window problems today.
The quicker you make the call, the earlier your window problems will be solved.
Call TODAY: 905 966 0838
Contact us using this form or better yet pick up the phone and call us (we love to talk) - 905-966-0838